Welcome to the SACT Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy Dataset website
The SACT dataset collects systemic anti-cancer therapy activity from all NHS England providers. It is a mandatory collection and the world’s first comprehensive database, allowing us to understand treatment patterns and outcomes on a national scale.
Important information about his website
The National Disease Registration Service (NDRS) has a new website, https://digital.nhs.uk/ndrs , that will be live as of April 20th 2023 and this site will no longer be updated from this date. All future NDRS information and outputs can be found on the new site. Any content on this legacy site will still available on the National Archives.
30-day post-systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT) mortality analysis
Case-mix adjusted 30-day mortality post-SACT analysis: CMAR workbook (2020 & 2021 releases)
We have published several workbooks containing case-mix adjusted 30-day post-SACT mortality rates for a range of cancer sites. You can access the workbooks and supporting documents from our reports page.
SACTv3 dataset has launched
Public Health England (PHE) has launched the revised version of the Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy (SACT) dataset. This version, SACTv3, went live on 1st September 2019, with a 3-month implementation window. All trusts are required to be recording SACTv3 on internal trust systems from 1st December 2019.
Details of the implementation deadline and PHE’s monitoring process for non-compliance is available via the link below:
SACTv3 revised dataset launch and ongoing monitoring
Moving to SACTv3 – guidance
When your trust is ready to submit your first SACTv3 file, please complete the following checklist and return it to the helpdesk SACT@phe.gov.uk
SACTv3: Confirmation of readiness to start uploading
This checklist confirms that your trust has taken all necessary steps to meet the SACTv3 requirements, all relevant staff have been informed of the move to SACTv3 and represents formal authorisation from your trust to start SACTv3 reporting. On receipt of a completed checklist the SACT team will update your trust to SACTv3 on the SACT upload portal. At this stage, your trust will no longer be able to submit SACTv2 on the SACT portal.
Outcomes upload
The SACT outcomes upload launched in September 2019 to coincide with the revised dataset.
Detailed resources on SACT v3 and the outcomes upload are available via the Guides and support page.
Background information on the dataset review
The SACT dataset is an NHS agreed mandated standard, and as part of that standard it needs to be reviewed.
Public Health England completed a review of the SACT dataset in 2018 to ensure it remains fit for purpose.
The dataset review has now completed the required process and the new SACT dataset standard has been published by NHS digital. SACT v3 launched in September 2019.
DCB1533: Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy Data Set
The dataset review schedule overview is available here:
SACT v3 - schedule overview
The revised data set SACT v3.0 is expected to be submitted using the following timetable:
Phase 1 - Implementation Period
06-12-2018 to 31-08-2019
the development lead times of software suppliers and in-house developers to make changes to systems to reflect requirements and align with conformance criteria
Phase 2 - Data Collection Period
01-09-2019 to 30-11-2019
allows for a 3 month period where data can be submitted in accordance with either SACT v2.0 or v3.0 formats
Phase 3 - Full Conformance
01-12-2019 onwards
requires full conformance, using only SACT data set v3.0 format
Please continue to check our Website as more information and resources will be added regularly.
We understand standard working practices may have changed significantly for many people during the pandemic and we want to thank the NHS trusts for their ongoing commitment and hard work to ensure their monthly SACT data uploads continue to be submitted on time. This information remains extremely valuable to review oncology activity and understand the impact of COVID-19 on cancer services. For NHS trusts, please do continue to upload your files, and contact the helpdesk with any concerns.
We would like to provide an update on how we have helped with the COVID-19 coordination so far and our plans for sharing activity data going forward. As you will be aware, Public Heath England has a key role in supporting the NHS to tackle the pandemic which includes many teams throughout PHE. The information below demonstrates the work that we (the SACT dataset team) have coordinated during this time.
Short term
SACT data submitted by NHS providers has been used for a number of urgent data requests, for example:
- We provided NHS England with the number of patients who had been prescribed immunosuppressive SACT treatments over the last year to assist with planning and patient management.
- We have supplied a range of data for the COBR meeting, including; the number of patients over 70 who have received chemotherapy in 2018, and an estimation of the size of the vulnerable cancer population (including patients who have received chemotherapy, are on immunotherapy or TKIs and patients with blood cancer suppressing immune systems)
Longer term
We are working on more detailed analyses, often in partnership with others, and making data available where appropriate to support the NHS recovery phase and other research and analyses. For example,
- We have developed dashboards to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the oncology services. We present the SACT activity for 2020 in comparison to 2019, allowing trusts to review any changes in activity. It is vital that we continue to receive all SACT activity during this time to ensure we can generate accurate reports to help trusts rebuild services and futureproof current approaches. We have a public dashboard available on CancerData and a more detailed dashboard available to registered users on CancerStats2.
You can find out how the wider National Disease Registration Service (NDRS) has responded to COVID-19 through the May NDRS newsletter.
The SACT dataset held by Public Health England provides the most accurate and comprehensive data available on patients with cancer being treated with systemic anti-cancer therapy. NHS data submissions are vital to help inform NHS recovery planning and provide an understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care at a population level. It is extremely important that we receive accurate data submissions during this time to provide sufficient granularity to answer the questions being raised.
It is important to note that non-submissions will be reflected in some reports we publish, so we would strongly encourage trusts to prioritise their monthly SACT data returns.
In March, the SACT team made the decision not to raise non-compliance for delayed uploads and missing CDF patients during this time. This has since been reviewed, and moving forward we will refer to the SACT non-compliance escalation policy if required. This is to guarantee routine SACT data uploads for all providers and the inclusion of all relevant treatment activity. We will of course continue to support trusts with any local challenges before taking further steps.
We thank the NHS trusts again for their commitment and work towards improving outcomes for patients living with cancer. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the helpdesk SACT@phe.gov.uk
The SACT Dataset Community
The SACT Dataset Community is an online platform hosted by the SACT team which is open to all staff working in NHS hospitals involved with the collection or submission of SACT data. The community provides an excellent opportunity for the SACT team to share trust specific updates, host webinar recordings, release blog posts and provide event information.
The community also has a forum available which is accessible to all registered members. NHS staff are able to contact NHS colleagues across England which provides an opportunity to discuss common challenges and share best practice.
If you work within an NHS trust and are interested in joining, please use the following link: www.khub.net/group/sact-dataset
Useful links
To upload data to the new SACT portal (to upload data / map regimens) (accessible to registered users - see below)
To register for the new SACT portal (accessible to users with an NHS net mail account)
To register and access SACT reports (accessible to users with an NHS net mail account)